Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome, Halifax Hoop Heads!

Hello Halifax hoop heads, my name is Romy Aquino,  I have been a pro hoops fan for 20+ years and have joined the Haligonia.ca team to help cover the pro hoops game from a Canadian fan's perspective.  I have watched the NBA progress from the "Magic-Bird" era to the "Jordan era" to what we currently know now as the "Lebron James era".  Along the way, the basketball game in Canada has grown with the introduction of the two Canadian NBA franchises, with the rise of the Toronto Raptors and at the same time, the demise of the Vancouver Grizzlies.  As a resident of the HRM all of my life, I've also watched the pro game locally with the Halifax Windjammers as a kid,  to our current pro hoops team in town, the Halifax Rainmen.

At the beginning of the 08-09 NBA season, myself and a couple of friends started a hoops fan blog named Hoop Heads North covering the game that we were huge fans of.  We decided to take a unique approach to the blog, by covering the NBA game not only as Toronto Raptors fans but more as Canadian hoops fans, looking at the Raptors, the Steve Nashes, the Jay Trianos and the Jamaal Magloires of the league.  I have sinced moved around the NBA blogosphere and currently write for NBA hoops blog, Hip Hoop Junkies, which is a part of TheScore.com's Sports Federation.


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