Sunday, January 10, 2010

Talkin' Hoops with the Newest Member of the Halifax Rainmen, Cory "C-Wood" Underwood

Cory Underwood is one of the newest faces to the Halifax Rainmen this season, "C-Wood" is a 6'10" power forward straight out of NY.  He made his Rainmen debut this past Thursday when the Rainmen defeated the Quebec Kebs 90-80.  Cory has an impressive basketball resume; he has played at the legendary Rucker Park in New York, he also played in the NBA D-League with the Albuquerque Thunderbirds and had also participated in last year's Philadelphia 76ers training camp. had the opportunity to ask Cory about his thoughts on the city of Halifax, his Philly training camp experience and what basketball players he looked up to in high school.

Romy ( So you've recently joined the Halifax Rainmen, what do you think of the city so far? Is this your first time in Halifax?

Cory Underwood: I haven't really haven't gotten a chance to get out yet...the city reminds me of Pittsburgh however...the hills and the water...I'm very big on scenery

Romy ( How did you get the call to join the Rainmen?

Cory Underwood: John Strickland...he's somebody I've watched when I was young and always got advice from...once I asked for my release from Albuquerque, he called me and said there's a spot if you want to come...I had a chance to go to another D League team, but I felt like I was pretty much done with that

Romy (  You're from NY, have you played with a lot of these New Yorkers that are currently on the Rainmen roster?

Cory Underwood:  I've played with/against all the guys here and Antawn Dobie is my cousin..we went to high school together

Romy (  A lot of basketball legends have made their way through Rucker Park, what is it like playing at Rucker Park in NYC?

Cory Underwood:  Well 55th (The Rucker) isn't the same as it use to be for whatever reason(s) but I'm glad to say I caught the very last few years where it "was" what it was...if you get what I'm saying...but it will never be how it was mid-late 90's to about 2005...honestly, you can't even get the elite players to play there except for the playoff week.
Romy ( You were a part of the Philadelphia 76ers preseason squad last year, how was that experience?

Cory Underwood: It was great...I loved it...Honestly, I should've lasted until at least til January (where contracts become guaranteed) but they gave two guys they invited to camp so much guaranteed money it made it impossible...last year they only carried 14 guys.  It still pains me to watch Sixer games. I still keep in touch with Elton, Reggie Evans and Lou Williams. Great guys.

Romy (  If you were going to give a scouting report on your game, what would you say?

Cory Underwood:  Lefty...handles very well at 6'10, great offensive game...great touch out to 21 feet, solid rebounder and shot blocker.  Everyone tells me I play like Derrick Coleman at Syracuse...

Romy (  Ok, flashback to your high school days....who was your favorite NBA team and NBA player at that time?

Cory Underwood: I really never looked up NBA high school I loved Lamar Odom. He was like my big brother, I followed him all over and patterned my game like his...I also liked and still do Ron Artest, Rafer Alston and a guy by the name of Rahim Johnson (Google that name), he made it cool to shoot everytime you touch the ball in the late 90'

A huge thanks goes out to Cory for taking the time to answer our questions.  Be sure to catch Cory at the upcoming Rainmen home games and get the latest on Cory at

Romy Aquino covers the pro basketball game (the Canadian Flavour of the NBA, the PBL's Halifax Rainmen) from a fan's perspective.  He also can be found at NBA hoops blogs, Hip Hoop Junkies (A Member of's Sports Federation) and Hoop Heads North.  Follow him on Twitter: @romyaquino


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